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Fusun Akman

STV Stevenson Hall 309D
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

121.003Applied Calculus

336.001Advanced Abstract Algebra

145.003Calculus I

Teaching Interests & Areas


Ph D Mathematics

Yale University
New Haven

Journal Article

Akman, F., & Sissokho, P. Gaussian partitions. Ramanujan Journal 28 (2012): 125-138.
Akman, F., Akman, O., & Hallam, J. Maximum likelihood estimation using accelerated genetic algorithms. Journal of Applied Statistical Science 18.3 (2011): 1-7.
Akman, F., Akman, O., & Hallam, J. Genetic algorithms with shrinking population size. Computational Statistics 25 (2010): 691.
Akman, F., & Ionescu, L. Higher derived brackets and deformation thoery I. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 3 (2008): 385-403.
Akman, F. A Survey of Huebschmann and Stasheff's paper: Formal solutions of the master equation via HPT and deformation theory. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 37 (2007): 367-394.


Comparing integer and Gaussian partitions. Algebra Seminar at ISU. (2011)
The Lattice of Finite Vector Space Partitions. Algebra Seminar. (2010)
The Lattice of Finite Vector Space Partitions and its Möbius Function. American Mathematical Society Regional Meeting #1058. (2010)
Short course on Mathematical Biology. The International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology: Research and Education. Izmir University of Economics. (2009)
Step Under the Magic Curve. ISU Math Club Talk. (2009)
Teaching a Biomathematics Modeling Course with Allen's Textbook. ISMAA Meeting. (2009)
An interactive website to help faculty incorporate applications of core mathematics courses. AMS/MAA Joint Meetings. (2008)
How to solve mysteries of human life, calendars, and music. NIATM meeting. (2008)