Dr. David Barker
Associate Professor

STV Stevenson Hall 331D
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
490.004Research In Mathematics, Math Ed & Applied Mathematics
324.001Seminars For Student Teachers Of Mathematics
Research Interests & Areas
Algebraic reasoning, generalization, teacher knowledge & beliefs, and teacher development.
Ph D Mathematics Education
University of Missouri
MA Mathematics
University of Missouri
Million Dollar Club
Illinois State University
Book, Chapter
Barker, D. D., Winsor, M. S., Kirwan, J. V., & Rupnow, T. J. (2020). Searching for the key to knowledge integration. In T. Lehmann (Ed.), International perspectives on knowledge integration: Theory, research and good practice in pre-service teacher and higher education (pp. 349–369). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense.
Barker, D. D., Winsor, M. S., Kirwan, J. V., & Rupnow, T. J. (2020). Searching for the key to knowledge integration. In T. Lehmann (Ed.), International perspectives on knowledge integration: Theory, research and good practice in pre-service teacher and higher education (pp. 59-78). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense.
Winsor, M. S., Barker, D. D., & Kirwan, J. V. (2020). Promoting knowledge integration in teacher education programs. In T. Lehmann (Ed.), International perspectives on knowledge integration: Theory, research and good practice in pre-service teacher and higher education (pp. 349–369). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense.
Arbaugh, F., Lannin, J., Jones, D., & Barker, D. Textbook-specific professional development: Impacting teachers’ knowledge and views. Mathematics teaching: Putting research into practice at all levels. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educator (AMTE) Monograph 7 (2010)
Conference Proceeding
Chávez, O., Barker, D., Azimi, S., & Ko, Y. (2024). Convince, understand, teach: Secondary mathematics teachers’ choices about using proof. In Cory, B. & Ray, A. (Eds.). (2024). Proceedings of the 123rd annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association (Vol. 1) (pp. 25–33) . Knoxville, TN: SSMA.
Winsor, M., Barker, D., Casey, S., Enderson, M., Preston, R., Smith, R., & Wilson, P. Research on secondary mathematics teacher preparation: Understanding how teachers learn.. Martinez, M. & Castro Superfine, A (EDs), Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.. University of Illinois at Chicago (2013): 1374 – 1379.
Journal Article
Barker, D., & Winsor, M. Patterns of knowledge interactions during instruction. Proceeding of the North American Chapter of Psychology of Mathematics Education (2011)
Barker, D., O’Hanlon, W., Langrall, C., & El Zanati, S. Teacher scholars in secondary mathematics education. Team-Math Conference Proceedings (2009)
Townsend, B., Lannin, J., & Barker, D. Promoting efficient strategy us. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 14.9 (2009): 481-492.
Lannin, J., Barker, D., & Townsend, B. How students view the general nature of their errors. Educational Studies in Mathematics 66.1 (2007): 45-39.
Park Rogers, M., Abell, S., Lannin, J., Wang, C., Musikul, K., Barker, D., & Dingman, S. Effective professional development in science and mathematics education: Teachers’ and facilitators’ views. International Journal of Science and Mathematics (2007)
Chávez, O., Barker, D., Azimi, S., & Ko, Y. Convince, understand, teach: Secondary mathematics teachers’ choices about using proof. 123rd annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association, Knoxville, TN, November 2024
Integrating Knowledge: A Model of Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation. Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. AMTE. (2014)
Integrating Knowledge: A Model of Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation. the Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. (2013)
Research Experiences for Teachers: Developing Mathematical Habits of Mind for Teaching. 2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings. American Mathematical Society and Mathematics Association of America. (2013)
Research on secondary mathematics teacher preparation: Understanding how teachers learn.. 35th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. PME-NA. (2013)
Implementing mathematics research experiences into teacher preparation programs. Illinois Section of the MAA Special Meeting. (2012)
Implementing mathematics research experiences into teacher preparation programs. American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. (2012)
Connecting mathematical and pedagogical knowledge development in teacher preparation. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference. (2011)
Connecting mathematical and pedagogical knowledge development in teacher preparation. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference. (2011)
Patterns of knowledge interactions during instruction. 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME –NA 2011). (2011)
Grants & Contracts
Race to the Top III Federal Teacher Preparation Program Redesign Grant.. ISBE. State. (2014)
Supplemental funding to: REU Site-Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-service and for In-service Teachers. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2013)
Integrating Knowledge: A Model of Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation. National Science Foundation Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science Grant. Other. (2012)
REU Site: Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers. NSF-DMS. (2011)
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Secondary Mathematics Education. National Science Foundation. (2011)