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Dr. Edward Mooney

STV Stevenson Hall 326B
  • About
  • Research

Current Courses

202.001Algebraic Reasoning for Middle School Teachers




309.001Number Theory for Middle School Teachers

581.001Seminar In Research And Development In Mathematics Education

Teaching Interests & Areas

Middle Level Mathematics Education

Research Interests & Areas

Students’ statistical and probabilistic thinking

Book, Chapter

Mooney, E., & Bair, S. Solve it! Student thinking – Push-up Pete. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 18 (2012): 14 - 17.
Mooney, E., & Bair, S. Solve it! Student thinking – Relatively Speaking. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 18 (2012): 202 - 205.
Mooney, E., & Bair, S. Solve it! Student thinking – Shaded Rectangles. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 18 (2012): 72 - 75.
Mooney, E., & Bair, S. Solve it! Student thinking – Trains of Thought. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 18 (2012): 274 - 277.
Mooney, E., & Langrall, C. Data analysis and probability. F. Fennell (EDs), Achieving fluency: Special education and mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2011): 219 – 242.

Conference Proceeding

MacDonald, B. L., Cullen, A. L., Kroesch, A. M., Bajwa, N. P., Mooney, E., & Corven, J. (2023). Reimagining the emergent perspective within research-practice learning communities. In T. Lamberg & D. Moss (Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 1 (pp. 910–915). Reno, NV.

Mooney, E., & Barrett, J. E. (2020). Using Design-Based Tasks to Teach Area Measurement, In Sacristán, A.I., Cortés-Zavala, J.C. & Ruiz-Arias, P.M. (Eds.). "Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,Mexico". Cinvestav / AMIUTEM / PME-NA.  https:/ (pp. 689-693).

Mooney, E., Langrall, C. & Nisbet, S. (2006). Developing a model to describe the use of context knowledge in data explorations. In A. Rossman & B. Chance (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (CD-Rom).
Mooney, E. Duni, D. VanMeenen, E. & Langrall, C. (2014). Preservice teachers’ awareness of variability. In K. Makar, B. de Sousa, & R. Gould (Eds.), Sustainability in statistics education. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS9, July, 2014), Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. Voorburg, The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute.

Journal Article

Wessman-Enzinger, N., & Mooney, E. Conceptual models for integer addition and subtraction. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 52.3 (2021): 349-376.
Bair, S., & Mooney, E. Solve It! Student Thinking - Aunt Martha's Cupcakes. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 19.3 (2013): 138 - 141.
Bair, S., & Mooney, E. Solve It! Student Thinking - Factor Groups. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 19.2 (2013): 74-77.
Bair, S., & Mooney, E. Solve It! Student Thinking - Rectanges. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 19.4 (2013): 198-201.
Bair, S., & Mooney, E. Solve It! Student Thinking - Suit Up!. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 19.1 (2013): 6 - 9.


Mooney, E., & Barrett, J. E. (2021). I co-presented a talk entitled, Using Design-based tasks to explore area measurement. This research presentation was given through a distance education arrangement as a virtual seminar, as part of the 2021 Midwest Annual Robert Noyce Conference, hosted by the Center for Math Science and Technology at ISU, on February 6, 2021. 

Pre-service Teachers’ Recognition of Variability: Preliminary Findings. GERM. (2012)
Teacher Questioning as an Indicator of Change – A Work in Progress. IERC Focus on Illinois Education Research Symposium. (2011)
Using Video Reflections to Change Instructional Practice. Mathematics and Science Partnerships Program - Regional Conference. (2011)
Who Sells Healthier Sandwiches? Ideas for Data Exploration at the Middle Level. Wisconsin Mathematics Council Conference. (2011)