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Maochao Xu

STV Stevenson Hall 304
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

498.001Professional Practice In Mathematics

450.001Finite Sampling

355.001Generalized Linear Models And Predictive Modeling

400.003Independent Study

Research Interests & Areas

Statistical modeling; Cyber risk analysis; Cybersecurity insurance

Ph D Statistics

Portland State University

University Research Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Conference Proceeding

Zhan, Z., Xu, M., & Xu, S. A Characterization of Cybersecurity Posture from Network Telescope Data. Yung, M; Zhu, L; Yang, Y (EDs), TRUSTED SYSTEMS, INTRUST 2014. SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG 9473 (2015): 105-126.

Journal Article

Zhang Wu, M., Luo, J., Fang, X., Xu, M., & Zhao, P. Modeling Multivariate Cyber Risks: Deep Learning Dating Extreme Value Theory. Journal of Applied Statistics (2021)
Zijian Fang, Peng Zhao, Maochao Xu, Shouhuai Xu, Taizhong Hu & Xing Fang (2020) Statistical modeling of computer malware propagation dynamics in cyberspace, Journal of Applied Statistics.
Fang, Xing, Maochao Xu, Shouhuai Xu, and Peng Zhao. "A deep learning framework for predicting cyber attacks rates." EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2019, no. 1 (2019): 5.
Chen, D., Xu, M., & Shi, W. Defending a cyber system with early warning mechanism. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY 169 (2018): 224-234.
Da, G., Xu, M., & Chan, P. An efficient algorithm for computing the signatures of systems with exchangeable components and applications. IISE TRANSACTIONS 50.7 (2018): 584-595.


Cyber attacks (2013)
Optimal Capital allocation (2013)

Grants & Contracts

Advancing Predictive Models with SDOH Integration in Healthcare. Connected Communities Initiative (OSF HealthCare and ISU). Local. (2024)
TMV based captial alloctions for multivariate risks. Actuarial Foundation. (2014)
A Statistical Framework for Analyzing Cyber Threats. ARO. (2013)