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Oscar Chavez

Associate Professor
STV Stevenson Hall 331a
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

211.001Euclidean And Non-Euclidean Geometry

582.001History Of Mathematics Education Curriculum

Teaching Interests & Areas

Content courses for mathematics teachers, Geometry, History of Mathematics

Research Interests & Areas

Mathematics curriculum materials, Proof in mathematics education, Teacher education

PhD Mathematics Education

University of Missouri
Columbia, MO

MA Mathematics

University of Missouri
Columbia, MO

BS Mathematics

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Mexico City

Book, Chapter

Chval, K., Chávez, O., Reys, B., & Tarr, J. (2009). Considerations and limitations related to conceptualizing and measuring textbook integrity. In J. Remillard, G. Lloyd, & B. Herbel-Eisenmann (Eds.). Mathematics teachers at work: Connecting curriculum materials and classroom instruction. (pp. 70-84). London: Routledge.
Chval, K., Chávez, O., Pomerenke, S., & Reams, K. (2009). Enhancing mathematics lessons to support all students. In D. Y. White & J. S. Silva, (Eds.) Mathematics for every student: Responding to diversity PK-5. (pp. 43-52) Reston, VA: NCTM.

Conference Proceeding

Chávez, O. (2024). Formal and informal proofs in high school geometry. In K.W. Kosko, J. Caniglia, S. A. Courtney, M. Zolfaghari, & G.A. Morris (Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 887–896). Kent State University.
Chávez, O., Barker, D., Azimi, S., & Ko, Y. (2024). Convince, understand, teach: Secondary mathematics teachers’ choices about using proof. In Cory, B. & Ray, A. (Eds.). (2024). Proceedings of the 123rd annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association (Vol. 1) (pp. 25–33) . Knoxville, TN: SSMA.
Martin, T. S., Cullen, C.J., Chávez, O, & Kimball, K., (2024). Developing directed-length definitions for the tangent and secant functions. In Editors, Proceedings of the forty-sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 887 – 896). Cleveland, OH: Publisher. https://doi: 10.51272/pmena.46.2024
Chávez , Ó. From the textbook to the enacted curriculum. Psychology of Mathematics Education (2006): 565.

Journal Article

Cullen, C. J., Ssebaggala, L., and Chávez, O. (2024). Rate of change: Degrees vs. radians. North American GeoGebra Journal, 12(1): 25-31.
Chávez, O., Tarr, J., Grouws, D., & Soria, V. (2015). Third-year high school mathematics curriculum: Effects of content organization and curriculum implementation. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13 (1), 97--120.
Cho, Y. H., Ding, N., Tawfik, A., & Chávez, O. (2014). Computer-Supported Collaborative Concept Mapping for Learning to Teach Mathematics. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 4(1), 21–33
Sears, R., & Chávez, O (2014). Opportunities to Engage with Proof: The Nature of Proof Tasks in Two Geometry Textbooks and its Influence on Enacted Lessons. ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46, 767–780.
Grouws, D., Tarr, J. E., Chávez, O., Sears, R., Soria, V., & Taylan, R. D. (2013). Curriculum and implementation effects on high-school students mathematics learning from curricula representing content organization of two types. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 44(2), 416–463.


Chávez, O. Formal and informal proofs in high school geometry. Forty-sixth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Cleveland, OH. November 9, 2024.
Chávez, O. Formal and informal proofs in secondary mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition. Chicago, IL. September 27, 2024
Chávez, O., Barker, D., Azimi, S., & Ko, Y. Convince, understand, teach: Secondary mathematics teachers’ choices about using proof. 123rd annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association, Knoxville, TN, November 2024
Cullen, C. J., & Chávez, O. (2024, September) The What and Why of Radians. Presented at the 103rd Annual National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, September 27, 2024.

Cullen, C. J., Martin, T. S., Chávez, O. (2024, March) Developing geometric concept definitions for tangent and secant. Presented at the 51st Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (RCML).
Martin, T. S., Cullen, C. J., Chávez, O., & Kimball, K. (2024, November) Developing Directed-Length Definitions for the Tangent and Secant Functions. Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of PME-NA, Cleveland, OH, November 7 – 10, 2024.
Cullen, C. J., Ssebaggala, L., & Chávez, O. (2022, March). Why Do we Really Need Radians? Presented at the 2022 Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Indianapolis, IN.
Mathematics Curriculum Alignment for CollegeReadiness. 2019 Annual Convention of the School Science and Matematics Association. School Science and Matematics Association. (2019)