Papa Sissokho

STV Stevenson Hall 307
Office Hours
MWF 11-12
Office Phone
- About
- Research
Current Courses
145.001Calculus I
461.001Advanced Topics In Discrete Mathematics
260.002Discrete Mathematics
361.001Topics In Discrete Mathematics
Research Interests & Areas
Vector Space Partitions, Zero-sum Theory, Additive Combinatorics
Journal Article
Peng, Y., Sissokho, P., & Zhao, C. An extremal problem for set families generated with the union and symmetric difference operations. Journal of Combinatorics 3.4 (2013): 651-668.
Sahs, M., Sissokho, P., & Torf, J. A Zero-sum problem over Z. Integers 13 (2013): 11 pages.
Akman, F., & Sissokho, P. Gaussian partitions. Ramanujan Journal 28 (2012): 125-138.
El Zanati, S., Heden, O., Seelinger, G., Sissokho, P., Spence, L., & Vanden Eynden, C. On the partitions of the 8-dimensional vector space over GF(2). Journal of Combinatorial Designs 18.6 (2010): 462-474.
El Zanati, S., Jordon, H., Seelinger, G., Sissokho, P., & Lawrence, S. The maximum size of a partial 3-spread in a finite vector space over GF(2). Designs, Codes and Cryptography 54.2 (2010): 101-107.
El Zanati, S., Seelinger, G., Sissokho, P., Spence, L., & Vanden Eynden, C. On v-fold Partitions of Finite Vector Spaces and Duality. Discrete Mathematics 311 (2011): 307-318.
Zero-sum sequences over Z. Mathematics Seminar. Illinois State University. (2014)
Irreducible Matrices. Mathematics Seminar. Illinois State University. (2013)
Vector Space Partitions. Mathematics Seminar. Loyola University. (2012)
Generalizations of some classic problems in Graph Theory. Discrete Math Seminar. Illinois State University. (2011)
Research opportunities for undergraduate students. LS-AMP workshop \Research 101. Illinois State University. (2011)
The lattice of nite vector space partitions and Gaussian Partitions. KTH Seminar on Vector Space Partitions Problems. Royal Institute of Technology. (2011)
The lattice of nite vector space partitions. 8th French Combinatorial Conference Maximum. University of Paris Sud. (2010)
Grants & Contracts
Extremal sizes of subspace partitions. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW 2005.0098) in Sweden. (2011)
Existence of (2, 3)-spreads in V (n, q). Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW 2005.0098) in Sweden. Other. (2010)