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Ryan Bunge

Instructional Assistant Professor
STV Stevenson Hall 127
Office Hours
11--11:50 a.m. on Mon., Wed., Thur., & Fri.
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

121.012Applied Calculus

160.001Elementary Discrete Mathematics

160.002Elementary Discrete Mathematics

320.001History Of Mathematics

PhD Mathematics

AGH University of Science and Technology
Krakow, Poland

MS Mathematics

Illinois State University
Normal, IL

BS Mathematics

Illinois State University
Normal, IL

Conference Proceeding

MR2856340 Bunge, R. C.; Pawlak, C. K.; Smith, J. L.; Zeppetello, S. M. Labelings of comets plus an edge. Proceedings of the Forty-Second Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing. Congr. Numer. 209 (2011), 101–110. 05C78

Journal Article

MR3097905 Bunge, R. C.; El-Zanati, S. I.; Hirsch, M.; Klope, D.; Mudrock, J. A.; Sebesta, K.; Shafer, B. On labeling 2-regular graphs where the number of odd components is at most 2. Util. Math. 91 (2013), 261–285. 05C78
MR3097722 Bunge, Ryan C.; El-Zanati, Saad I.; Rumsey, Chepina; Vanden Eynden, Charles On the cyclic decomposition of circulant graphs into bipartite graphs. Australas. J. Combin. 56 (2013), 201–217. 05C51 (05C25)
MR2993077 Bunge, Ryan C.; Chantasartrassmee, Avapa; El-Zanati, Saad I.; Vanden Eynden, Charles On cyclic decompositions of complete graphs into tripartite graphs. J. Graph Theory 72 (2013), no. 1, 90–111. (Reviewer: Deborah Olayide A. Ajayi) 05C78 (05C51)
Bunge, R., El Zanati, S., Gibson, D., Jongthawonwuth, U., Nagel, J., Stanley, B., & Zale, A. On cyclic decompositions of $K_n+1,n+1-I$ into a 2-regular graph with at most 2 components. Congr. Numer. 218 (2013): 73–84.