Professor Saad El-Zanati
Distinguished Professor

STV Stevenson Hall 127
Office Phone
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Distinguished Professor
Illinois State University
Conference Proceeding
Mahatanankoon, P., Hunter, W., & El Zanati, S. Managing an NSF-Funded Information Technology Scholarship Program. EDSIG Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education (2017)
Journal Article
Mahatanankoon, P., Hunter, W., El-Zanati, S. (2018). Managing an NSF-Funded Information Technology Scholarship Program. Information Systems Education Journal, 16(3) pp 35-44. ISSN: 1545-679X
MR3221001 Bunge, R. C.; El-Zanati, S. I.; Hakes, A.; Jeffries, J.; Mastalio, E.; Torf, J. On standard Stanton 4-cycle designs. Congr. Numer. 215 (2013), 7–16. 05C51
MR3097905 Bunge, R. C.; El-Zanati, S. I.; Hirsch, M.; Klope, D.; Mudrock, J. A.; Sebesta, K.; Shafer, B. On labeling 2-regular graphs where the number of odd components is at most 2. Util. Math. 91 (2013), 261–285. 05C78
MR3097722 Bunge, Ryan C.; El-Zanati, Saad I.; Rumsey, Chepina; Vanden Eynden, Charles On the cyclic decomposition of circulant graphs into bipartite graphs. Australas. J. Combin. 56 (2013), 201–217. 05C51 (05C25)
MR2993077 Bunge, Ryan C.; Chantasartrassmee, Avapa; El-Zanati, Saad I.; Vanden Eynden, Charles On cyclic decompositions of complete graphs into tripartite graphs. J. Graph Theory 72 (2013), no. 1, 90–111. (Reviewer: Deborah Olayide A. Ajayi) 05C78 (05C51)
El Zanati, S., & Gannon, D. All 2-regular graphs with uniform odd components admit -labelings of cubic bipartite graphs. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 53 (2012): 207-219.
El Zanati, S., Bunge, R., Brewington, K., Cross, L., Pawlak, C., Smith, J., & Zeppetello, S. On G-designs, where G is the one-point union of two cycles. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 82 (2012): 33-58.
Wannasit, W., & El Zanati, S. On free a-labelings of cubic bipartite graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 82 (2012): 269-293.
El Zanati, S., & Wannasit, W. On cyclic G-designs, where G is cubic and tripartite. Discrete Mathematics 312 (2011): 293-305.
El Zanati, S., King, K., & Mudrock, J. On cyclic decompositions of circulant graphs into almost bipartite graphs. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 49 (2011): 6-76.
On decomposing regular graphs and multigraphs into isomorphic trees. 44th Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing. Florida Atlantic University. (2013)
On decomposing the complete graph into the union of two cycles. 27th Midwestern Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, and Computing. Southwestern University. (2013)
On the spectrum problem for cubic graphs of order 8. 2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings. American Mathematical Society and Mathematics Association of America. (2013)
Research Experiences for Teachers: Developing Mathematical Habits of Mind for Teaching. 2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings. American Mathematical Society and Mathematics Association of America. (2013)
Implementing mathematics research experiences into teacher preparation programs. Illinois Section of the MAA Special Meeting. (2012)
Implementing mathematics research experiences into teacher preparation programs. American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. (2012)
On Two Problems in Combinatorial Design Theory. Thai-Japan Conference on Computational Geometry and Graphs. (2012)
On decomposing regular graphs and multigraphs into isomorphic trees. The 36th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing. (2012)
On some problems in graph designs and graph labelings. MathFest 2012-Open and Accessible Problems in Combinatorics and Graph Theory Session. (2012)
Trends in Undergraduate Research in Mathematical Sciences. TURMS 2012- Undergraduate Research with Math Education Majors. (2012)
Grants & Contracts
Supplemental funding to: REU Site-Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-service and for In-service Teachers. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2013)
REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Secondary Mathematics Education. National Science Foundation. (2011)
ISU CS/IS Scholarship Program (Award #0966226). National Science Foundation. Federal. (2010)
Illinois State University Computer Science/Information Systems (CS/IS) Scholarship Program. National Science Foundation. (2010)
Graduating Highly Effective Secondary Mathematics Teachers with Emphasis on Recruitment from Under-Represented Groups. National Science Foundation. (2009)