The Mathematics Department maintains a variety of facilities and support services for its students. The University also provides a variety of support services for students. This page provides links to the Department and University facilities and support services.
The Mathematics Department at Illinois State University uses calculators and computers in many of its courses. In some courses, it is required that students have available in and out of class a specific type of calculator. This department web page is intended to provide information about calculator requirements to current students, future students, and others who are interested.
Calculator Requirements
Calculator requirements fall into two categories within the Mathematics Department:
- When a graphing calculator is required in a course at or below the precalculus content level, the department strongly recommends that students have a Texas Instruments TI-83 graphing calculator.
- When a graphing calculator is required in a course at or above the Calculus content level, the department strongly recommends that students have a Texas Instruments TI-89 graphing calculator.
In courses where a TI-83 or a TI-89 is strongly recommended:
- The recommended calculator will be used by the instructor for classroom demonstrations and other course activities.
- The instructor should be able to assist you in using the recommended calculator.
- Assignments and course assessments may be written with the recommended calculator in mind.
Thinking of Getting a New Calculator?
If you do not currently own a calculator that is acceptable for your course, or you are thinking about getting a new calculator, consider the following suggestions to help choose the best calculator to purchase for mathematics.
- Those enrolling in Precalculus (MAT 144) should take special note of the previous recommendation. Will you continue on to take Calculus I (MAT 145)? If you are going to purchase a new calculator and plan to continue from Precalculus (MAT 144) on to Calculus I (MAT 145) or beyond, purchase a TI-89.
- If you are planning to complete courses in the Middle School/Junior High Specialist sequence, you should have a TI-83 calculator.
- If you intend to major in mathematics or complete the major with a sequence in mathematics education, you should have a TI-89 calculator.
- If your proposed major requires extensive use of calculators, speak to someone in your department who might help you make a calculator choice from among those recommended.
Resource Centers
The Math Department has labs and resource center on Stevenson Hall, offering learning aids, books, periodicals that can provide help with classes and textbooks. Computer labs offer various software options offering support for Math students.
Math Library
The Math Department maintains a materials resource center on the third floor of Stevenson Hall. This location houses a variety of learning and teaching aids, and books and periodicals on math and math education.
Checking out Materials
Items are available for checkout, with student ID. Some items can be used on site only. Questions or comments regarding the Materials Center should be directed to Professor Edward Mooney, or contact him at (309) 438-3710.
Review Sheets
Below are a series of PDF files on selected topics on some precalculus topics as well as some calculus topics. These review sheets are meant to refresh your memory on some of these topics, but are not meant to be used in learning a topic you have not seen before.
Precalculus Topics
Calculus Topics
Math Tutoring
For additional help, tutoring is offered in the Tutoring Center.
University Resources